The OCAAT Football Academy (situated in Cameroon), sometimes referred to as the "hidden gem" of OCAAT, is a program that specifically targets underprivileged kids with promising talent in football, who all things being equal would not be able to afford the cost of conventional football academies. It's main aim is to see to it that talent is not wasted just because of financial constraints. To donate for this cause, please click below.
At OCAAT we recognize that one of the best ways to keep children out of trouble, is to keep them busy. While keeping them busy, we're also seeing to it that they're developing a new skill. For lack of a better term, this project is like "shooting 2 birds with one stone". Please click below to donate for this cause.
OCAAT serves as an intermediary for orphanages around the world, that could use help with reaching out for help. Through your much appreciated donations, we are able to supply orphanages with essentials and necessities. Furthermore, we see to it that the children have the opportunity to learn skills that in turn could render them independent. The long term goal is to give a fighting chance to the kids who don't have one, all things being equal, by giving them the means to develop the necessary skills to have a fair shot at life.
Sometimes all a child needs is a little incentive to push further and work harder. At OCAAT we recognize this to the fullest and offer several scholarship opportunities. On the other hand, through donations, we offer scholarship opportunities for children who would otherwise not be able to afford tuition costs. To donate for this cause, please click below