One Child At A Time (OCAAT) is a private, non-profit, educational, and charitable organization that lasers in on the numerous challenges that kids around the world face. Regardless of religion, race, gender or location, we at OCAAT believe that children should not have to suffer the consequences of a broken world; something they certainly are not responsible for.
While lots of valuable help is given to children across the globe in the form of "catching fish for them", here at OCAAT, we seek to make amends through a different and more sustainable approach: "teaching them how to catch fish". We work on providing children with the
necessary tools they need to navigate through a world that is constantly changing, if not going through conflict altogether. In this way, one child at a time, today's predicaments can be significantly dealt with, by planting the right seeds in the hearts of tomorrow's work force, its adults, its leaders and its communities at large.

California, USA
Bamenda, Cameroon