Every little drop and every little contribution adds up to support the greater cause. No contribution is too small, as we believe there should not be a minimum requirement as to how much a person feels they can help.
While we acknowledge that there are many people in the world doing tremendous work in helping those in need around the globe, we at OCAAT also believe that there is even a bigger number of people that really want to help effectively but they are just not sure what channels to go through. This is why upon request, OCAAT takes pride in creating a very personal experience between givers and receivers. We highly rely on your benevolence and goodwill to make a change in the lives of children across the globe.
We might not be able to help each and every single child on the face of the earth that needs help, but together, one child at a time, we can at least try. Thank you to all those who have ever donated, and thank you in advance to those who will be doing so in the future. The depth and success of all we do, is highly dependent on your donations.
"Giving is not just about making a donation. It's about making a difference" Kathy Calvin

*If you have chosen Anonymous, please enter "John Doe" for Gentlemen, and "Jane Doe" for Ladies. Thank You!